Wednesday, May 30, 2007

This year's birthday consisted of driving mom and dad to the airport (wish I could go to alaska, too!) buying my annual rosebush with my birthday money from grandma, along with a bunch of other garden additions, and spending hours in the garden planting, weeding and mulching :) and then going out to eat with Michael and touring the inside of Jennifer's new house. For some reason I didn't feel like a bike ride today, so I didn't go. It was humid and windy and threatening to rain, so I didn't feel too bad about that decision.

I did get in two bike rides in WI while I was home over the weekend. One 20 mile ride around Butternut lake and one 15 mile ride to Fifield. Not as far as I should have gone, but hilly, so I got a bit of a workout. And now I know where I can ride without getting chased by dogs.

The vacation went by too quickly.

Thanks, Kris, for the itunes hookup. I owe you!

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