Sunday, March 07, 2010

Anyone else feel a little lopsided, off-kilter, discombobulated or generally messed up lately? Ever since last weekend I haven't felt myself. Maybe it was the huge effort of the Birkie, or the blow to my tailbone (first chakra and all) when I fell at km. 48, or maybe it was the latest big earthquake which shifted the Earth's axis (Ruth Montgomery, you were prophetic after all; I wonder how much more we can expect it to move!)

In any case, I'm trying to go with the flow. Today's niyama in yoga class was Ishvara Pranidhana, which can be translated as faith in something more expansive than ourself. I trust that everything is happening according to my dharma. In the words of Jimmy Buffet: "Breathe in, breathe out, move on."

Music and meditation helps center the spirit.

Now if I could just get rid of the pain in my tailbone...

Saturday, March 06, 2010

These are bulbs that were for sale on the street in Paris in November, but the photo makes me think about what may be stirring underground here soon. I don't wish for winter to end too soon, but if it must, there are worse things to replace snow than flowers.