Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I fixed my toilet!

The thing had been running since just after Christmas. Finally it got to the point where we'd just twist the knob to stop the water from going into the tank, and turn it on only when we needed to use it. Eventually things got so bad that I had to remove the lid of the tank and manually pull up the float, since the chain was broken as well.

Finally. Today. I'd had enough.

I checked the brand of the valve mechanism in my toilet, and went to Menards. A friendly guy in the toilet section pointed me to the right part, and an hour later, my toilet is now blissfully quiet. I hope this takes care of the problem for good. Man I got sick of hearing that thing waste water all day.

Now I feel like I can put another notch on my homeowner belt. This was even more satisfying than changing the deadbolt lock on the front door.

I'm starting to like DIY. The best part was that it was only 9 bucks to fix a problem that probably cost me a heck of a lot more than that in lost water over the past couple months.

Oh, also I tried to do a detox diet today. I was okay until I got home and I was ravenous and there was a container of leftover potato, broccoli, onion and carrot curry in the fridge that was calling my name. Oh well, maybe next time I'll make it all day. I do have to say, though, that aside from the splitting headache, I felt pretty good most of the day.

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