I was recently looking at some goals I had written down about a year ago. Out of five goals, it turns out that I have actually accomplished two of them-- skiing a sub 5 hour Birkie and racing my bike (I actually did two races last summer.)
I love that I had forgotten even writing them down, and now here I am, a year later, having accomplished some of them. I do think the writing them down helped, even if I didn't consciously remember doing it. I will continue to do that as new goals arise. Right now I just want to achieve goal number three-- finishing my novel.
And in a bit of synchronicity, as I'm writing this, I came across this website: http://www.stickk.com/
What a cool site, that Stikk one. A friend had pointed me to a similar place, I think it's called "43 Things", which is just...
Say you loved lists, and you also specialized in web design. Then say you got a wild hair one weekend and used all your programming skills to make a website that focused entirely on lists, lists of lists, and everything conceivably list-related. That's what that place is like.
Good to hear from you. I was just thinking of you.
Spring Equinox is supposed to be the best time to focus on goals/manifesting.
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