Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My First Bike Race

I did it!

I rode the Black Dog Time Trial tonight. I rode as hard as I could for seven miles and felt like I was going to throw up from about mile 3 on, but I did not hurl. I rode to my limit, with heart rate between 180 and 190 for about 22 minutes (not sure of my official time yet) and now I know that I can push myself a lot harder for a lot longer than I thought possible.

I pushed waaay beyond the comfort zone, and went harder than I ever have at any physical activity. It helped knowing that I would be done after 7 miles :)

Bike goals achieved so far this year:
commute to work (2x so far)
2nd metric century
first bike race

This is fun! I'm so happy I have the ability to do stuff like this.

1 comment:

lyca said...

Congrats on your first bike race! I hope to do one someday, too. I just bought a road bike for my birthday last month (I've been on TE, which is where I saw your link) and have been having a great time with it.

Keep it up!