Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Hey, it's May Day and a full moon. That must be why I feel so gooood today! And the flowering crabapple or dogwood or whatever they are on 28th street are blooming a block from my house and man, do they smell great! The azaleas and tulips are looking great, and pretty soon it will be lilac time :) Time for one of my favorite bits of doggerel...

Now that lilacs are in bloom
She has a bowl of lilacs in her room
And twists one in her fingers while she talks
Ah my friend, you do not know, you do not know
What life is, you who hold it in your hands
Slowly twisting the lilac stalks.
You let it flow from you,
You let it flow.
And youth is cruel and has no remorse
And smiles at situations which it cannot see.
I smile, of course,
And go on drinking tea.

—T.S. Eliot

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