Birkie Fun!
Yes, I said fun. This year it actually was enjoyable, for the first 38 km or so at least. After that, well, let's just say that four hours of doing anything starts to hurt.
The weather was great-- between 10 and 33 degrees during the race. The snow was good, not too deep, not too icy, just right. Even the troughs on the hills were navigable. I enjoyed the splitting off of the classic skiers, so that the trail was much less crowded. This year I could actually use the glide from the downhills to get a little bit up the next hill. I never had to wait in line to go uphill (unless I wanted to, which I sometimes did, because it's a nice break) and I only had two people step on my poles. I think I was actually smiling for most of the race.
The best part was that I achieved my goal of doing it in under 5 hours. In fact, I cut a half hour off my previous time, doing it in 4:42 this year. I'll probably move up a wave, but I have to admit, I sort of liked being in the uncrowded, uncrazed wave 7.
I want to give a shout out to Mr. 9th Wave Large Man, who probably doesn't know it, but he pulled me across the endless Lake Hayward so I could finish strong.
And to Mr. 7th Wave Dude Who Kept Ending Up In Front Of Me After Each Food Stop Even Though I Passed Him Several Times-- please do yourself and your fellow skiers a favor and sew up that hole in the crotch of your lycra.
And thank you to whomever sent me the cute guy at the finish line in the Rossignol gear who helped take off my skis and gave me a hug and said "you did it!" If I'd have known he was waiting for me at the finish line, I'd have picked up the pace!
Hooray for a good snow winter and a good Birkie. Congratulations to my teammates/family, Team Sturdy Women!
Busy Time of Year
This is the time of year when I don't see many people except those on the ski trail, or at work, or in my class, or my writing group, or yoga sessions. Unfortunately, that leaves out a lot of friends. I'm sorry if you haven't seen or heard from me the past couple months. In March things will slow down a little, and then in May, I'll be off from school for the summer.
Update on a few things:
Skiing - Completed the Pre-Birkie last weekend, with a blistering pace of 5:02 min/km. which is almost a half minute faster than last season's pace, so I'm happy with that.
Next weekend is the Birkie. I think I can do it. Again. Only this time, I hope, faster.
Yoga - Taking wednesday night community ed class in addition to going twice a week to the fitness center at work. I would go more often if I could find the time. I want to take teacher training. Will look into doing that this summer.
Writing - Non-existent lately, but I did buy a book called One Year to a Writing Life, and downloaded software to help me complete my novel. Sorry writing group, for not providing you with anything to read!
Food - I'm off chocolate and all sweets and refined flour products now. It's really true that once you get over the two week mark, it's much easier to stay off the stuff. This in addition to staying away from fried food, alcohol, meat, milk, processed food and trans fats. Coffee is the hardest vice to give up. It really does help me wake up, and boy do I miss it on those days when I restrict myself. Trying to keep it to 3x a week or less. Not doing so well with that one.
School - I got a new computer and software to complete my program with up-to-date skillz. After this semester I will be halfway done with my coursework! That means only five more semesters at one class per. Oh well, what else would I be doing with the next three years of my life if I didn't have my completion of the Certificate to look forward to?
General observations:
Driving back from WI last weekend on one of the most bitterly cold days of the season (in a season filled with bitterly cold days) I asked the universe to show me an animal totem and I saw the following in this order: crow, deer, pileated woodpecker, bald eagle, grouse/pheasant (couldn't tell which it was, on the side of the road), and when I got home, a whole murder of crows flying around above my neighborhood. Nice.
I'm actually ready for spring and for cycling season to start. Even though I'm loving the snow this winter, and feel the best I've felt EVER on skis. Cycling is less work. No waxing, scraping, brushing, driving, paying trail fees, etc. But I have to focus on the task at hand right now. Birkie.
Oh, one last thing. Next Wed. is my birthday on the Mayan calendar. Feb. 20th. It also happens to be a lunar eclipse that night. Ooo.